Which login do I use?

Sometimes I use my student email address and sometimes I use my student ID number to access college technology resources. Which one do I use?


Our District is moving towards Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication, but as of Spring 2024 there are at least three distinct username/password combinations students might use when trying to access college IT services: 

  • SSO using student email and email password 
  • 10-digit student ID# and student mySDCCD password 
  • 10-digit student ID# and 8-digit birthdate

Note about Passwords: The student email password and the mySDCCD password can be separate passwords or the same one, depending on whether the student changed them during initial setup or reset them later using Forgot Your Password?

IT Help Desk for students: Tel. 619-388-1140 or Email support@student.sdccd.edu


Table of Common IT Services Grouped by Username/Password Combination

(See attached Quick Sheet for printing)

Service (login link) Username Password Description of Service
Canvas Courses SSO using student email address

student email password

Use this service to access online courses and/or files posted for on-campus courses. 

Library Databases SSO using student email address

student email password


Use this service for online library research conducted outside of the Library's (R) building. 
myApps (includes Office 365) SSO using student email address

student email password

Use this service for Office 365, document storage, and more! 
Student Email SSO using student email address

student email password

Use your student email address (student.sdccd.edu) as the official form of communication for all campus business. Set it up here.  
My Library Account/ OneSearch folders 10-digit student ID

mySDCCD student portal password

Use this service to check status of checked-out materials, holds, etc. or to save items marked in the  OneSearch catalog for later review. 
mySDCCD student portal 10-digit student ID

mySDCCD student portal password

Use this portal for course registration and to initially set up your mySDCCD password
Wifi Network 10-digit student ID mySDCCD student portal password Use this service to access the wireless network on campus.

Campus Computers (Student)

10-digit student ID 8-digit birthdate Use the computer workstations on campus. Access is restricted to students via this login. 
Print/Copy/Scan PaperCut 10-digit student ID 8-digit birthdate Use this fee-based service to print/copy/scan materials on campus. Access is restricted to students via this login.


  • Last Updated Aug 13, 2024
  • Views 196
  • Answered By Sandra V. Pesce

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